Saturday, January 30, 2010

#19--Food, Inc.--Day 19

So this movie is a little bit older than the other ones I have reviewed, but hey, I'm a poor college student and can't afford to go to the movies EVERY night. This documentary was awesome and sickening. It was very much like King Corn, information wise; however, it was portrayed more interestingly. Michael Pollan who's most famously known for his book "In Defense of Food" and Eric Schlosser, who is an investigative journalist and who's book Reefer Madness is AWESOME put together a great documentary.
I'm very interested in sustainable agriculture so I loved this film. Even if you weren't you would still enjoy this film because it is very eye opening to what really goes on in a lot of meat factories, and it's waaay more reasonable than a PETA advert.

Documentary Wise: 4 out of 5.

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