Saturday, January 23, 2010

#12--Legion--Day 12

Wow. Where to start? Take everything you know about the birth of Christ and flip it 360 degrees, and you have Legion. With a phenomenal cast in roles you don't traditionally see such as Tyrese (in a somewhat meaningful and not just funny stereotypical one-liners), Dennis Quaid (as a hick with a gun), and Kate Walsh (as a mother that resents her daughter for the death of her husband, a very dark role...nothing like Grey's or Private Practice). Paul Bettany heads the cast as an angel who disobeys God and comes to protect a pregnant woman (Adrianne Palicki), very far from the pious Virgin Mary.
The movie has religious connotations, but is so dark. The angels, like everything else, is the complete opposite of what you would expect. Their wings are black, they are coated in armor, their hair is dark, and they are tan. Like the Book of Eli I feel that this movie wouldn't have been as good as it was had it not had such a unique and innovative story line.
My only problem with this movie was the ending. Perhaps that is because it doesn't really end. The ending of this movie is very ambiguous, here's to hoping it does well enough that we can get a wicked sequel. (I mean, c'mon, the Pink Panther got a freakin' sequel?)
I did miss a couple of minutes of the beginning of this movie; however, because the bulb in the projector went out and by the time someone figured it out we had lost about 5 minutes of the movie, which they did not start over. Nonetheless, I recommend this movies, because I think everyone who sees it will take away very different connotations and parts.

4 out of 5.

P.S. With this movie Paul Bettany has officially proven to me he is completely underrated and will now be added to my list of favorite underrated actors which includes: Giovanni Ribisi, Kevin Spacey, and Edward Norton! Chances are anytime any of these people are in a movie you're going to have to think/be surprised/completely blown away at the end of the movie!

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