Saturday, January 30, 2010

#20--Sherlock Holmes--Day 19

I was kind of disappointed with this movie. I love Rachel McAdams and Robert Downey Jr. so I was really looking forward to this. It definitely depicts a much darker take on Sherlock Holmes. This movie has a little bit of everything. Some action, some comedy (because Sherlock Holmes is a sarcastic ass), some romance, and some mystery. I was love this time period, the costumes, cars, etc. The only problem is that there are very long stretches of the movie that reaaallly drag out. The movie definitely did NOT need to be 2 hours long and at times I got sick of the bickering between Holmes and Watson.
I think anyone who enjoys crazy Sherlock Holmes tales of mystical mysteries will enjoy this movie, but it's a movie that you can really only watch one or two times.

3 out of 5.

#19--Food, Inc.--Day 19

So this movie is a little bit older than the other ones I have reviewed, but hey, I'm a poor college student and can't afford to go to the movies EVERY night. This documentary was awesome and sickening. It was very much like King Corn, information wise; however, it was portrayed more interestingly. Michael Pollan who's most famously known for his book "In Defense of Food" and Eric Schlosser, who is an investigative journalist and who's book Reefer Madness is AWESOME put together a great documentary.
I'm very interested in sustainable agriculture so I loved this film. Even if you weren't you would still enjoy this film because it is very eye opening to what really goes on in a lot of meat factories, and it's waaay more reasonable than a PETA advert.

Documentary Wise: 4 out of 5.

Friday, January 29, 2010

#18--9--Day 18

This movie written and directed by Shane Acker and produced by Tim Burton was awesome! Tim Burton movies never cease to amaze me! Basically man and machine go to war, and man dies. 9, Elijah Wood, wakes up after being created by his master where he finds a talisman. He takes the talisman and begins a journey, not really sure of his destination. He eventually stumbles across beings like himself (1, 5, etc.) and makes a plight to rescue 2, who was captured in an effort to save him. They find the talisman and then create this creepy machine. I don't want to give too much away so I'll leave it at that. It may not sound incredibly exceptional, but it is really good.
Like all Tim Burton movie's it contains a very unique plot and the numbered creatures are adorable. Plus, it's backed by a great cast including: Christopher Plummer, Martin Landau, Elijah Wood, and Jennifer Connelly. It's the first animated movie I've seen in a while that wasn't rainbows and sunshine and directed towards children. I was really tired and I was still able to stay awake and enjoy it!

3.5 out 5.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

#17--The Tooth Fairy--Day 17

I can't help it. I love Dwayne Johnson. I loved the Game Plan, Gridiron Gang, etc. I'm not sure why, but I think he's awesome. This is a really great kid's movies and a good mindless comedy for some adults. Dwayne Johnson, a hockey player, is forced into servitude as a tooth fairy (commissioned by Julie Andews) after trying to tell Ashley Judd's daughter that the tooth fairy does not exist. I don't know what's better Dwayne Johnson in fairy wings or in a tutu, both are sure to ensure a chuckle. There is a large portion of the ending that revolves around hockey and it may not be a super fabulous movie with amazing plot twists, but it's definitely a cute movie.

3 out of 5.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

#16--Leap Year--Day 16

Very much a chick flick. Very much like every other chick flick ever produced. Every now and then it's good to indulge in one; however, this particular one I wouldn't advise. If it wasn't for the adorable-ness of Amy Adams and the dashing-ness of Matthew Goode I probably never would have made it through this movie. It's saving grace aside from the attractive cast was the beautiful, scenic, Ireland.

I really don't even know what else to say. This usually happens with movies that aren't that great.

2.5 out of 5.

#15--Couple's Retreat--Day 16

Couple's Retreat has some parts that are really funny, but overall it is WAAAYYY too long. Furthermore, the movie becomes one big therapy session rather than a funny comedy about couples in therapy. Vince Vaughn has spurts of rambling on for 20 mins. that really aren't that funny and Jon Favreau is a disgusting womanizer. The women in this movie are beautiful, which may be why the group of guys that went along enjoyed it so much. Overall, the movie wasn't completely terrible, but 2.5 hours was way too long.

2 out of 5.

Monday, January 25, 2010

#14--Zombieland--Day 14

So every movie I've seen with Jesse Eisenberg I have not been impressed by. Yes, I think he's adorable, but both The Education of Charlie Banks and Adventureland were just as terrible as Zombieland. Abigail Breslin is adorable and Woody Harrelson is hilarious, but other than that...not much happens in this entire movie, which really makes me wonder why they've started filming a second one already. I suppose it was nice to see a zombie movie that wasn't just horror and had a little comedy, but...overall, I just wasn't impressed.

2 out of 5.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

#13--Boondock Saints 2--Day 12

Dear Skeptics, I was one too until I saw this movie.
It is just as amazing as the first one. The entire, and when I say entire I mean, ENTIRE cast from the original movie is back, including David Della Rocco (Rocco) and William Dafoe. I know, I know, they died how are they in this movie? Don't ask questions, just see it. With William Dafoe dead enters Julie Benz as Eunice Bloom determined to help the saints wipe out a group of men who killed a Catholic priest and made it look like their dirty work.
The movie is full of Irish drinking, fabulous one-liners, amazing gun fights, and just down-right dirty fun, which is why we all loved the first one, right? Basically, if you are a Boondock Saints fan, it is imperative you see this movie! And without giving too much away they set it up for a freaking RIDICULOUS trilogy ending. Can't wait!!

4 out of 5.

#12--Legion--Day 12

Wow. Where to start? Take everything you know about the birth of Christ and flip it 360 degrees, and you have Legion. With a phenomenal cast in roles you don't traditionally see such as Tyrese (in a somewhat meaningful and not just funny stereotypical one-liners), Dennis Quaid (as a hick with a gun), and Kate Walsh (as a mother that resents her daughter for the death of her husband, a very dark role...nothing like Grey's or Private Practice). Paul Bettany heads the cast as an angel who disobeys God and comes to protect a pregnant woman (Adrianne Palicki), very far from the pious Virgin Mary.
The movie has religious connotations, but is so dark. The angels, like everything else, is the complete opposite of what you would expect. Their wings are black, they are coated in armor, their hair is dark, and they are tan. Like the Book of Eli I feel that this movie wouldn't have been as good as it was had it not had such a unique and innovative story line.
My only problem with this movie was the ending. Perhaps that is because it doesn't really end. The ending of this movie is very ambiguous, here's to hoping it does well enough that we can get a wicked sequel. (I mean, c'mon, the Pink Panther got a freakin' sequel?)
I did miss a couple of minutes of the beginning of this movie; however, because the bulb in the projector went out and by the time someone figured it out we had lost about 5 minutes of the movie, which they did not start over. Nonetheless, I recommend this movies, because I think everyone who sees it will take away very different connotations and parts.

4 out of 5.

P.S. With this movie Paul Bettany has officially proven to me he is completely underrated and will now be added to my list of favorite underrated actors which includes: Giovanni Ribisi, Kevin Spacey, and Edward Norton! Chances are anytime any of these people are in a movie you're going to have to think/be surprised/completely blown away at the end of the movie!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

#11--Halloween II (Rob Zombie Version)--Day 11

Typical Rob Zombie, very bloody, VERY GRAPHIC, not overly scary, AWESOME soundtrack. Halloween II kicks off where Halloween left off. It definitely strays from the original movies, which was one of the things Rob Zombie said he liked about doing the second movie was the fact that he could play with the plot a little more. Creepy like all of the Halloween movies. Really not too much to say about it. If you enjoy the Halloween series you'll enjoy Rob Zombie's version because he takes them to a darker, more graphic level. Not amazing, not terrible.

2.5/3 out of 5.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

#10--Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins Ball--Day 10

Basically four top assassins are hired to kill Walter Weed. The whole movie is then carrying out this process. An ok guy movie. A lot of macho gun fighting and Martha Higareda is hott as hell. Definitely not anywhere near as good as the first movie, but the ending has a twist to it.

2.5 out of 5.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

#9 The Book of Eli--Day 8

This movie was really interesting and not what I was expecting. Although, I really wasn't sure WHAT to expect. The commercials are very vague. Basically, everyone in the world was fighting a great war, and here's where I speculate because it was never completely clear, whether or not that war was based on religious beliefs or something else. Then God gets pissed and a bright light flashes and everyone's annihilated except for a few. Eli hears a calling to take "the book" to the West. On his way he takes out very vagabonds and then comes to a small town. This is where he meets Gary Oldman (who is absolutely amazing no matter what movie he is in) who is desperately searching for the book, in which Eli possesses. I refuse to give anymore away. This book really didn't have a lot of action. It actually moved very slowly, but because the audience had really no idea what was going to happen it was never boring. The mystery of the movie is what made the entire movie awesome.
It was refreshing to watch a movie a mainstream movie with such strong religious connotations. I'm not a religious person; however, the movie was so different from anything I've seen in a long time. I think that's why it was so enjoyable.
On a side note Mila Kunis is quite kick ass in this movie (esp. in her aviators) and it was wonderful to see Jennifer Beals (formerly from The L Word, which I LOVE!) in a new movie.

4 out of 5.

#8--The Blind Side--Day 8

This movie was much better than I was expecting it to be. Sandra Bullock is absolutely gorgeous and amazing as the wife of an ex-NFL star who takes in a homeless kid, Michael Oher, who eventually goes on to play for the NFL, as well. This is a truly inspiring movie and if you don't tear up at least once during this movie you have no soul!! Really enjoyed it, perfect movie for anyone!

4 out of 5.

Monday, January 18, 2010

#7: Gamer--Day 7

The concept for this movie was sick! Inserting neurons that regenerated in people's brains so that gamer who paid for the subscription could control them. They had death row inmates sign their consent and then "fight" to the death aka Call of Duty, but with real people. Some money went to keep the prison system afloat the rest went to the creepy man who thought of it all, Castle. (Michael C. Hall) Maybe it's just me, but I think this idea is genius and the US should consider this for real! Haha. Of course this plan goes completely awry when Gerard Butler tries to break free and Michael C. Hall decides he wants to control the world. Lots of people die and race around in cars; however, the ending is extremely anti-climatic. Overall awesome concept if it hadn't had such a lame ending and lulled in a few spots this movie could have been incredible!

3 out of 5.

Friday, January 15, 2010

#6 (500) Days of Summer--Day 4

I loved this movie! It has a lot of characteristics that classify it as a chick flick, but it actually has a realistic ending! Furthermore, there wasn't any points in the movie where I felt overwhelmed by cheesy dialogue, plot, etc. Zooey Deschannel is cute as a button as Summer, a girl, not looking for love, and Joseph Gordan-Levitt is perfectly mopey and love-struck for her throughout the movie. They're quirky on-screen chemistry is electric and with plenty of funny lines such as "Ya know, the guy at the gym with a face that looks like Brad Pitt and has abs like Jesus" there is never a dull moment.
Definitely one of the best movies I've reviewed so far! I definitely would recommend this more for my women "followers" (that was a joke, since I'm pretty sure I'm the only person reading this), but for the men whose wives/gf's make them watch it, you'll enjoy it, too!

4 out of 5!

#5 The Lovely Bones--Day 4

I absolutely love this book, so needless to say I have been waiting for this movie ever since I heard about it, 2 years ago. I feel that my perceptions of the movie are very flawed because I have read the book. Putting the book aside, it is a good movie, with an interesting plot line. Susie Salmon a 14-yr old who is raped and murdered by one of her neighbors watches her family from heaven as they seek to find her killer. The special effects when Susie is in the "in-between" are awesome. Frightening at some points, beautiful at some points. I really liked the way Susie's "in-between" and her families lives were somewhat synonymous. For instance, one of my favorite scenes in the movie is when Mark Wahlberg (her father) ruins all of his sailboats that he makes and in Susie's "in-between" she is on a beach and all of the sailboats are crashing into the shore. Stanely Tucci is just as creepy as usual; therefore, perfect for his role as the murderer, and Susan Sarandon does a very job at portraying the eccentric grandmother.
Overall, my biggest problem with the movie was that it didn't follow the book. (A typical book-to-movie qualm.)At over 2 1/2 hours Peter Jackson spends too much time in the "in-between" and not enough time developing the plot. The ending strays from the book, the actual murder scene is pretty much non-existent, and her mother's affair with the chief of police is not even in the movie.

3 out of 5.

The Book of Eli comes out today, too. Woo-hoo. Mila Kunis is hot!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

#4 Jennifer's Body--Day 3

Hahah. Well let's just say this movie will make anybody's day who thinks Megan Fox is hot or enjoys zombie movies. An hour and a half of Megan Fox jutting out her breasts, exposing her flat stomach, flipping her hair, and eating peoples entrails. It's exactly how it looks and sounds. I'm very curious why Amanda Seyfried chose to tackle this movie. It's obvious she has acting talent (Big Love) and she can sing! (Mamma Mia) Who knew? She should have known better than this movie. Furthermore, it once again goes to show that Megan Fox has absolutely no acting ability and if it weren't for her body she would have no career. She does do an excellent job of playing the conceited "hott girl." But that's mostly because it is the only role she ever plays. Here's to hoping she tries a few new roles in 2010.

2 out of 5.

Random News: Michael C. Fox of Dexter has revealed he is battling cancer. He is almost done with his last treatment and the disease is in remission.

#3 Inglorious Basterds--Day 3

I'm very disappointed. For starters, I'm not much of a Quentin Tarantino fan. I know, I know how could I love movies and not Quentin Tarantino movies? Some of them have just too much gore. Some of them I just find dull, Inglorious Basterds being one of them. It definitely featured the traditional Quentin Tarantino chapter sequences and dark comedy, but it just lulled. There were a few scenes were the action picked up, like when one of the Nazi soldiers got his head beaten in by the "Bear Jew", but overall WAAAY too much dialogue. Furthermore, most of that dialogue was in subtitles. You know it's bad when your boy friend stops reading and just asks you to summarize the scene. The only saving grace for the movie was the ending. If you ask me the whole movie could have been summed up into the last half hour. The far from history explosive (pun intended) ending plot twist made the entire movie.

Maybe 2.5 out of 5, just because of the ending.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

#2 Avatar--Day 2

I had the privilege of contributing $8 to Avatar's $1.14 billion gross thus far. I can honestly say that the special effects were some of the best I had ever seen. James Cameron created the beautiful, trippy, flourescent planet of Pandora flawlessly. Had certain parts of the movie been shortened by a little bit the whole movie would have been a lot better. Sometimes it felt like it dragged a little bit; however, the intriguing concept and political and social implications definitely kept me intrigued. My only beef was with the was unrealistic. I felt good when I left the theatre, but the United States ALWAYS gets what it wants. We pursue until we get what we want and it really doesn't matter if "tree people" are in the way. Apparently, some republicans agree with me. According to Yahoo some conservative bloggers are bashing Avatar because it is "too anti-militaristic." Hahahah. TERRORIST! TERRORIST! KILL! Does anyone think some of today's conservative's are sooo much like McCarthy? COMMUNIST! COMMUNIST!

I really enjoyed getting to see another movie with Sam Worthington. He did a fabulous job of barely speaking as the Terminator in Terminator:Salvation, so it was nice to see him in a role where he actually speaks, and I have a feeling we're going to see A LOT more of him in the coming years. With three movies in 2010 including Clash of the Titans, which looks downright badass, he's clearly the new action hero on the block. 

4.5 out of 5.

SO Psyched For:

Legion, The Book of Eli, Iron Man 2, Robin Hood, From Paris with Love, Wolfman, The Clash of the Titans, first part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, +so many more! 2010 proves to be an exciting year for movies, including 3 Edward Norton movies!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

365 Movie Reviews

I've decided to evaluate 365 movies in 365 days. Starting today January 12 I will begin reviewing new to theatres or recently released to DVD movies. If I miss a day I will post two movies the following day. Basically, the entire goal of this project is to provide my reader's with accurate information about movies. Especially, if it is a movie just in theatres. No one wants to pay $8 (or in our new 3D theatre $11) to see a movie that down right sucks!

#1 Fame Day #1
When Fame was released to theatres I was instantly interested. I've taken dance for over 16 years and every time I see a movie being released with singing and dancing I'm hooked. This time I'm GLAD I didn't pay to see it. Fame is a huge disappointment. The movie chronicles student's as they make their way through a performing arts high school. For a "musical" there is way too much storyline and very little singing and dancing. The only saving grace of this movie was the fact that Naturi Naughton is a break out star with ridiculous pipes! Her voice is absolutely incredible. The only reason I kept watching was because I hoped she would perform more. 2 out of 5.