Tuesday, February 9, 2010

#27--Edge of Darkness--Day 29

Ahh...I'm getting very behind. I've been busy with schoolwork, actual work, and the Superbowl, but hopefully I can get caught up today. Hopefully.

Sooo...Mel Gibson's "comeback" film, or at least he's hoping. First and foremost he should probably stop insulting reporters while the cameras are still running, being an anti-Semite, and mass producing children with young women if he wants to make a legitimate comeback. But all that aside it was a fairly decent movie. I was surprised by the beginning because I assumed based on the commercials that his daughter was kidnapped then found dead or just found somewhere dead, but Thomas Craven (Mel Gibson) finds his daughter in his house before she is dead and she actually dies in his arms, which is much more haunting. He then goes on a rampage to try to uncover why she has been so brutally murdered. It takes a little bit for Mel Gibson to morph into a killing machine, but once he does it is good.
I thought this movie was going to be too Taken-ish but it really wasn't. Mel Gibson uncovers secrets he didn't think he was going to and once he finally gets into killing people the pace of the movie really picks up. I approve of this movie, but not really of Mel G. as a person.

3 out of 5.

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