Thursday, February 4, 2010

#24--Blood Diamond--Day 24

I know this isn't a new movie. I've decided that every now and then if I don't have the opportunity to review a new movie due to time or money limitations (b/c of college) I'm just going to review some of my random favorite movies. You will just have to deal with it because this is MY blog. Kidding. Kind of. So for tonight I've decided upon one of my more recent favorite films.

This movie delves into the very bloody, dangerous, and deadly African diamond trading corporation. Djimon Hounsou (who won an Oscar for this role) stars as Solomon Vandy who has discovered a giant diamond that he is hoping to barter for his son back (his son has been kidnapped and brainwashed into being a child soldier). He teams up with Leonardo DiCaprio, a South-African, who has promised to help him get his son back and Jennifer Conolley, an American reporter.

Like most Leo DiCap movies it's depressing and incredibly moving. The first time I saw this movie I cried and then vowed to never buy an African diamond. It really makes you think about the price other people are paying around the world for things we take for granted. We walk in or past stores full of diamonds and never think about the fact that people are dying or having their families ripped apart just for our hands to look nice.

4.5 out of 5.

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