Monday, March 29, 2010

#33 Alice in Wonderland 3D--Day 77

I have not admitted defeat just yet! I have several movie reviews to write and then will probably go on another fairly long hiatus until summer. During summer I'm fully devoted to achieving my goal!

SO Alice in Wonderland. I saw it first in 2D during the midnight showing and I LOVED it! Johnny Depp/Tim Burton/Helena Bonham Carter is just the best combination ever! The make up and special effects are awesome. There are also some great one liners throughout the movie. I've never seen the original Alice in Wonderland (gasp!) so this was a whole new experience for me! I have decided that Tim Burton just needs to re-do every single Disney movie creepily awesome. My life would improve dramatically! After seeing this movie in 2D I decided it was IMPERATIVE to see it in 3D because quite frankly, it was made to be seen that way, and I was right. It was 10x more amazing in 3D. I do suggest spending the extra money to see this movie in 3D. Overall, amazing movie!

4 out of 5.

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